Writing a SpongeBob meme text generator with Python

Hogan Brinson
Nov 5, 2020


My dear brothers and sisters, the great meme war of 2020 has officially begun.

Facebook has erupted over the past two days since this year’s presidential election with political memes galore. And let me tell you, I’m here for it. But sadly, I’ve seen too many of my fellow commenters waste time typing out the ever funny SpongeBob mockery meme text in replies.

My friends! We are in the middle of a meme war here. There is NO time to waste.

So how can you save time? wElL wItH pYtHoN oF cOuRsE.

OBJECTIVE: Transform given text to match the camel case of SpongBob’s text in the meme.

Step 1: Define a function.

Step 2: Define your function variables.

Step 3: Write a for loop.

Step 4: Define an input variable for the function to receive.

Step 5: Call your function.

Congratulations! You have now created a headless program to call while you PWN n00bs in comments.

